Price list

We belong among best priced Taxi´s in Olomouc region

Boarding or fuel charges

Transparent and fair, you pay no fees

0 Kč

Waiting / minute

For pre-orders, waiting time is charged from the requested time of vehicle arrival

7 Kč

1 km price

Cheaper would be hard to find

29 Kč

Journey 3+

Up to 3,0km / above 3,0km each started km 29,-Kč

95 Kč

Journey 5+

Up to 5,0 km  / above 5,0 km each started km 29,-kč

155 Kč

Loyalty program

Every tenth ride up to 3 km free / every twentieth ride up to 5 km free 

0 Kč


From the whole of Olomouc anywhere to Ostrava or Brno without additional hidden fees

1.950 Kč

In case of soiling of the vehicle, an amount of CZK 1750 is charged / Surcharge for the animal if it is not in the box is CZK 100